big bug

Questions about usage of Ahnenblatt
Beiträge: 1
Registriert: 30.05.2022, 18:56

big bug

Beitrag von papo »

I just want to inform that as I was sending a new information my screen became empty : I had more of 15.000 records but when I lauched again Ahnenblatt (I always open the last file), the software found only 2.000 !
Happily I have the .bak files but I don't understand why there was no backfile created today. Yet I worked all today and no back file was created, the last one yesterday 18:50.
Were may the problem come from ?
My version is 2.99 ; is it limited ?
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Registriert: 04.01.2017, 18:32
Wohnort: Regio Rhein-Neckar
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Beitrag von Fridolin »

Hi Papo, indeed 2.99 is limited, but not in respect to security: The security features of AB 2.99 and AB 3.x are the same. It would be important, though, that you update to the latest 2.99 version which should be o or p.

There should be
a) NameOfMyFamilyFile.bak.001 .. 002 and so on files (cf. EXTRAS > OPTIONS > FOLDERS > Save backup file every xx minutes)
b) hidden temporary files that might restore your data when the software crashes
c) a prompt for every startup that shows the number of persons to verify data integrity.

If something odd happens, first of all copy those backup files (001, 002 etc.) because on every saving the oldest backup file will get lost - until you only have corrupted files.
Aktuell Win11-64 pro 23H2, Ahnenblatt 3.60 - Daten via NAS, Programm lokal

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