Family Tree with Parents and Children

Questions about usage of Ahnenblatt
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Registriert: 11.04.2022, 21:05

Family Tree with Parents and Children

Beitrag von darcyleigh »


I am trying to create a 2 generation family tree that includes both parents and just the children. I don't want to include the spouses of the children.

I can create a 2 generation tree with spouses for all people, but I can't seem to create a 2 generation tree with just the children.

Is there a way that I can do this?

thank you,

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Registriert: 20.01.2006, 20:25
Wohnort: Hamburg
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Re: Family Tree with Parents and Children

Beitrag von DirkB »

Hi Darcy,

attached are the settings for an Ancestor chart which showed the wanted result (only a single family) and the chart itself.
In the dialog "Create chart" click on "Options...", change options for "Ancestor chart (poster)" and after clicking on "OK" the variant becomes "user-defined" (don't change this afterwards). Choose one of the children to create the chart.

- Dirk
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